1910-1912 Stories about Clyde Schools  
Author Keith Escott

My Experience at Clyde School No 118
In England it had been customary for us to wear a bowler hat and cane to church, while at school we wore an Eton collar and tie, jacket, knickerbockers and long socks. We had attended an English Prep School, run by a Cambridge graduate. At the age of ten. dressed in my English school uniform, Clyde was my first experience with a small country State School - and in particular with Thomas Archdall Twyford. the Head - and only - Teacher. He was probably then a man of about fifty, although being bearded he looked older to us. He had a grown up son and a young daughter still at school.

Homework was not a very onerous affair, but there was some. When correcting it, it was the Head Teacher's custom to write his full signature, T. A. Twyford, across the page if the work met with his approval. but only his initials if it did not. Consequently from time to time a pupil would complain "Please Sir. I should have got TWYFORD but I only got TAT"

Winter at Clyde School
Another custom, in winter, would be for two boys to go out into the nearby bush to collect kindling to start the fire. This was a prized occupation as it meant missing an hour or so of class. The first boy at school would make an application on behalf of himself and another. I only made it early once and found the dignified Head in undignified attire milking the cow. Waiting until he had finished the milking and arisen from his stool, I approached, hand in air "Please Sir, may Frank Funston and I make the fire?" "Yes, if you don't take too long. I was told this was the invariable answer.


Summertime at School
The summer of 1911-12 must have been very hot, as T.A.T decreed that on any day that the temperature reached 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the school we were to go home. That seemed to happen on numerous occasions. We also started to spend our lunchtimes at the top dam on our property, perhaps half a mile away 'having a quick swim and returning in time for school. Unfortunately one day young George Robinson jumped off a sort of diving board we had rigged up and very nearly drowned as he couldn't swim at all. We got him back to school in some sort of order, but after that we were forbidden to leave the school grounds and had to find more local entertainment.

One of these pastimes was to get a bent pin, attached to a long piece of cotton, bait it with a portion from our bread and dripping, sandwiches, and endeavour to catch the Head Teacher's chooks. After two chooks stupidly swallowed the pin and subsequently mysteriously died one of the girls told on us and this sport also forbidden.

Beginings of Clyde Township School (Clyde 3664)
Later, another school was started at the railway station and we duly became Clyde North. It was then that T.A.Twyford, once a week, would set off in his buggy to inspect the other school. On these occasions Mrs Twyford would look after the school, mostly taking singing. We young brats would give her a terrible time putting wrong words in songs and generally misbehaving. Nevertheless she must have had some gift as I can still remember most of the songs and the tunes. She had no piano or other musical aid.

It was a small school, possibly about 30 pupils, so Thomas Archdall Twyford could not have been very ambitious in his chosen profession. It had been there a long time, I think the number was S.S.118 and the centenary was held years ago. I had accepted an invitation to attend. but unfortunately was prevented from doing so. The building was pulled down a few years ago and I thought it a great pity. It was quite a landmark, built of solid brick, and although the school itself was only one room there was an attached teacher's residence.

More Information- click on the following links
1910-Clyde School No 3664 ( Back to Main Page)
1910-14 (?) First Photo of Clyde 3664
1910-1980 Clyde School 3664 Time Line
1910-1980 Clyde 3664 School Teachers
1918-Poem written about the opening of the school building

1. 1910-1912 Life in Clyde North - Keith Escott's Story